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ApricotKing News

  • Spring time!

     Nothing is more beautiful than apricot trees in full bloom. See our …

  • Running low on slabs

    We'll be discontinuing out big bag of slabs as we're running short....very …

  • Back in Stock

    Craving those Chocolate Covered Almonds?They're back.....back in stock.Just the …

About ApricotKing

Since 1946, the Gonzales family has grown the rare and fabulous California Blenheim apricots. Grown on our Hollister ranch, we continue to be the farmer, pruner, dryer, packer, and seller of the vanishing Blenheim apricot. We produce the best tasting apricots in the world all "Home Grown in the Flavor Zone"!

In addition to our incredible dried apricots, be sure to discover our variety of nuts (walnuts, pistachios, almonds) and other dried fruits (peaches, pears, prunes, and more). For those who believe less is more, we have dark and delicious unsulfured dried apricots. And don't forget our sweet and tart selection of apricot jams and syrups as well as our decadent chocolate covered fruits and nuts.  Simply delicious! Everything here on the ranch is organically grown.


Patti and Gary Gonzales, Hollister, CA

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Looking at the 2018 crop.....predicting 75% of a crop.

Looking at the 2018 crop.....predicting 75% of a crop.

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It's thinning time now.  The men are out there gently smacking  the big bunches of  green

marble-sized apricots with a bamboo thinning pole

They're knocking part of the crop on the ground.

We don't want a harvest  of peewees. 

 By knocking off part of the clusters, the cots will have room

to grow and plump right up. 

 In June the bigger apricots will actually push the weaker ones

off the branch......and we'll have what we call the June Drop.
