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ApricotKing News



  • Fresh are coming!

    Fresh Blenheim apricots will be available after July 4.,Frequently asked …

  • Spring time!

     Nothing is more beautiful than apricot trees in full bloom. See our …

About ApricotKing

Since 1946, the Gonzales family has grown the rare and fabulous California Blenheim apricots. Grown on our Hollister ranch, we continue to be the farmer, pruner, dryer, packer, and seller of the vanishing Blenheim apricot. We produce the best tasting apricots in the world all "Home Grown in the Flavor Zone"!

In addition to our incredible dried apricots, be sure to discover our variety of nuts (walnuts, pistachios, almonds) and other dried fruits (peaches, pears, prunes, and more). For those who believe less is more, we have dark and delicious unsulfured dried apricots. And don't forget our sweet and tart selection of apricot jams and syrups as well as our decadent chocolate covered fruits and nuts.  Simply delicious! Everything here on the ranch is organically grown.


Patti and Gary Gonzales, Hollister, CA

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AK News

Town & County

"Blenheims have a secret: Unlike most fruit, they’re even better dried."Quote from Dry & Mighty by Ruth Reichl

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Dry & Mighty

We're mentioned in TOWN & COUNTRY magazine.Look for us on page 46 of the newly released October 2019 issue.Feature writer Ruth Reichl loves our Blenheims and wanted to do a story on what makes ours so delicious.   I give credit to the ApricotKing himself,& to God for making the best apricots in the world.

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Leathers are back!

2019 crop of leathers is ready to go.Tough, tasty, slabs.....I think the best tasting fruit in the world.We sell out of these by November.

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Turn out the lights.....the Season is over.....

Our 2019 beautiful Blenheim apricot season is done, finished, adios, and via condios.We started picking on July 2 and harvested tons and tons of apricots.  Our proudest accomplishment  is harvesting 30 tons fresh from a  new three year old orchard. That's our SonnyBoy putting that college education to work.  Nick  made that orchard produce in just a few years.  My [...]

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And they're off.......

Pickers are out in the orchard starting tomorrow morning.Each man uses an 11 foot ladder, picks only the ripest cots (we wish),and returns down the ladder with a bucket full of Blenheims.Then for more than 6 hours, he's up and down the ladder picking fruit.There's a special place in heaven for the pickers.

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Harvest 2019

Our first pick of the fresh Blenheim apricots is July 5.We have 25 +39 acres in production.  All Blenheims.  All fabulous, clean, elliptical, freckled, & stupendous in flavor.We'll be bringing fresh to all our farmers markets until July 18.  Check website for schedule.Fresh for 3 weeks & then we're finished.  Everything will be cut and set [...]

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Cots are Coming along......

We still need about 3 more weeks for Bleneheims to ripen up.Depending on the weather.....we'll have cots by July 1.Hooray.And we should have them through the 18th of July.Double Hooray!

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Finally, the rare Livermore walnuts are ready to go.These are rare (less than 2,000 trees in California).They actually are red, ,meats inside are white, and they are delicious.Always keep refrigerated.

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How did the late rains affect the Blenheims?

Everyone was hit hard by California rains in May.Cherries were demolished.Blenheim Apricots are in their very green stage and show only slight damage                                               (as if dotted with a permanent marker).  Blenheims are never flawless, always freckled, and look very healthy (elliptical shape looks promising) at this point.

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Cots Are Coming Along

The young apricots show a lot of promise.....they're looking clean and strong.Last year they showed an odd, round-like-a-marble growth pattern.   This year the signs (elliptical shape) look like they'll sweeten up and be allwe've been longing for.  Check out our Facebook page to see a photo.

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