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ApricotKing News



  • Fresh are coming!

    Fresh Blenheim apricots will be available after July 4.,Frequently asked …

  • Spring time!

     Nothing is more beautiful than apricot trees in full bloom. See our …

About ApricotKing

Since 1946, the Gonzales family has grown the rare and fabulous California Blenheim apricots. Grown on our Hollister ranch, we continue to be the farmer, pruner, dryer, packer, and seller of the vanishing Blenheim apricot. We produce the best tasting apricots in the world all "Home Grown in the Flavor Zone"!

In addition to our incredible dried apricots, be sure to discover our variety of nuts (walnuts, pistachios, almonds) and other dried fruits (peaches, pears, prunes, and more). For those who believe less is more, we have dark and delicious unsulfured dried apricots. And don't forget our sweet and tart selection of apricot jams and syrups as well as our decadent chocolate covered fruits and nuts.  Simply delicious! Everything here on the ranch is organically grown.


Patti and Gary Gonzales, Hollister, CA

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AK News

Scraping the trays

How do the sticky apricots get off the drying trays, you ask? It takes 15 strong men to scrrrrrrrrrrrape 7000 trays of apricots.....not a job for sissies.  The men (and I'm talking high school kids here)  start at 7 a.m. and get exhausted by 3 p.m.   They've hung in there and I'm very proud of those guys.One more [...]

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Not a fresh Blenheim left in sight

You'll have to wait a year for that fresh taste again.....the last and final cot has been cut and set out in the sun to dry.  Our next two weeks will be spent scraping fruit off the trays.Not an easy job and not for weaklings.....there are nearly 7000 trays apricots to scrape....and those slabs the hardest [...]

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Stripping the Trees Tomorrow

The third and final pick happens tomorrow.....Ready or not....all the apricots willbe stripped from the trees.....all the little guys hiding inside the leaves are comingoff and will be cut on Friday.  Wrapping up the season with a halllaloooooya!

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Cots for You

The 5lb bag of Orchard Blend is now available on our site.Our specialty slabs, slippits, jumbos, extra fancies, and standards are still out there drying.

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Cooking with Gas

Wonderful to see our SonnyBoy Nick take over our ranches and harvest......You make us proud Nick Knoblich Gonzales.  We couldn't be happier. 

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Rounding third and heading towards Home!

We are more than 70% through the harvest......or as I like to call it "rounding third base and headin' towards home".Everything's ready, everything's being picked, and by Thursday it will all be cut.  An abundant harvest.Had it not been for the critical heat spell, we would have been on easy street.  But the 80 degree [...]

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Downing in a Sea of Apricots

The second pick is coming fast and furious......there's no stopping now.....all pickers are pulling off ripefruit........all hands are on  the tray line cutting fresh apricots by machine......and the fruit is magnificent....beautiful, clean, freckled, and flawless......(This is due to our SonnyBoy Nicky who knows how to organicallyspray our cots)   How many do we eat a day?   There's no stopping [...]

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Happy Fourth of July

The Blenheim apricots are taking a little breather for the 4th of July.  The first pick (also called tipping the trees) has happened.  Those apricots have been cut, sulphured,dried in the sun, washed, and are re-drying.  We'll have the Orchard Blend dried apricot selectionup for sale by the end of the week.We're on first base [...]

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Twitter for me?

we're on Twitter.....my handle is @ApricotKingCot

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Gearing up for a full day of cuttng.

Apricotking uses a machine to cut apricots.  It's an oldie 75+years old......but a goodie.  Picture a green locomotive sized machine that was invented to cut peaches.  Only ten exist in the state. The apricots go into a bath, travel up the rollers,  at the top automatic knives slice them in half, spit out the pit, and send them [...]

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